Sunday, October 31, 2010

One in a Miliion - Ne yo (lyrics)

Jet setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about your look
Talking about I can't do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter

In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Baby you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

Monday, August 30, 2010

aaah lemot

kenapa deh nih internet? kayaknya dari pagi tadi sampe sore tadi fine fine aja. kenapa tiba2 jadi lemot gitu? aaah bikin emosi aja deh nih internet.
padahal lagi enak2 dengerin lagunya suju m - blue tomorrow, tau2nya ngadet2 aah mengganggu saja -__-

i don't know about this feeling

pas liburan semester kemaren gue cuman diem aja di rumah gak ngapa2in dan gak liburan kemana2. soalnya paduan suara gue mau ikutan lomba international ITB-Bandung, jadinya ya kerjaan gue sama temen2 padus gue cuman konsen buat latian paduan suara.
trus tiba2 pas malem2 gitu pas gue lagi online msn, tiba2 dia nyapa gue. trus pastilah gue tanggepin, soalnya dia bisa dibilang salah satu temen baik gue dari kelas 7. trus kita pertama2 ngomongin gak penting gitu tapi lama2 kita jadi ngebahas world cup haha. tapi gak papalah ngomongin bola seru juga kok
trus masa tiba2 pas udah selsai chatting gitu, gue ngrasain deg deg yea. rasanya tuh kayak pas gue suka sama xy dulu, hampir persis bisa dibilang. trus besoknya pas lagi chattin gue ngrasain lagi!! aaah menggila lah gue. trus gue mulai curhat sama temen gue Dwisiwi Enggar (ririn) trus dia malah ngakak gue curhat tentang 'dia' ya udah jadinya gue pasrah ajalah ^^
lama2 saking jarangnya gue di rumah buat persiapan lomba, gue jadi jarang online trus jadinya udah jarang pula gue chatting bareng dia lagi. tapi kadang2 rasa itu suka muncul sendiri. tapi yang ngebingungin pas udah masuk sekolah kelas 9 ini, pas gue ketemu gue ya cuman say "haaai" doang. trus dianya juga langsung nyamperin gue ya gue jadinya seneng gitu yea maunya apa. taip karena gue udah ngejalaninnya biasa aja, makanya lama2 rasa itu ilang gitu aja sampe sekarang. dan akhirnya kita lanjut kayak dulu lagi, ngobrol bareng, curhat2an, ya semuanyalah pokoknya. untungnya rasanya udah gak ada lagi. yeeaaay *seneng*